Lars Vilks, the controversial Swedish artist who apparently drew pictures depicting Mohammed as a roundabout dog (whatever that means?) is recently in the news again. This time, he was showing some similarly offensive videos during a lecture he was conducting at Uppsala University, Sweden. A few people felt offended by what he was showing, and as a result, someone from the audience attacked Lars after repeated calls for him to stop fell on deaf ears. An excerpt of the incident is shown in the following video.
I really don't understand people these days. I mean, they hide behind the pretext of freedom of speech and freedom of expression, go around doing silly things which THEY KNOW will offend some people. They initiated such acts of provocation on such sensitive matters, how can they still hide behind the term 'freedom of expression' and claim innocence?
To me, this is not about race, religion, or ethnic issues anymore. It is all about common sense, mutual respect, and being responsible and accountable for your own actions! In my opinion, this Lars guy is plain stupid and has no respect for anyone else.
If someone were to insult someone I respect and love in my face and walk around the streets spreading lies and false accusations about them, just because he felt like it and thinks he has the 'freedom' to do anything he likes, then to me, this person had made the first move to attack me, I will of course slap him till his head spin the next time I run into him! I will exercise my freedom and right to defend what I hold as important to me!
Sadly, I found many other cowards who use 'freedom of speech' and 'freedom of expression' as a shield and excuse to insult the religion of others. You can see them here, and here, and read more about Lars Vilks here. (Extremely offensive materials, do not proceed if you are easily offended. Links for reference and information only, and I strongly condemn such acts!)
Although I'm all for freedom of expression, I believe that it is a privilege, not a right, that should be exercised with sensibility and responsibility. Otherwise, it is just another excuse to be used by cowards for attacking others.