Ta-da! Well well, I held my breath and avoided touching it ever since the iPhone 3gs took the mobile world like a swarming locust, not happy with the fact that a 'modern' 3g cell-phone has no front-facing camera for video calls. It is simply not acceptable. If Stevie thinks that the average user does not use the video conferencing feature anyway, then why is Apple putting in the camera now in the
iPhone 4? Talk about making a u-turn and slapping himself in the face. Or was it just a ploy to milk more money from consumers with the latest edition's 'new' feature? And by the way, I refuse to be an 'average user'...
Anyhooo, just when I thought I can breathe again and jump on the iPhone bandwagon with this latest release, news of reception issues and problems with A2DP bluetooth headsets flooded the internet. Oh man.... am I going to have to hold back again this time and wait for iPhone 5? I'm sick of holding my breath!
But wait... apparently, an official 'fix' has been release by Apple to patch the reception problem. See screenshot below!

mmm... maybe I'll take a look at the droids while waiting for the number 5....