Friday, August 27, 2004

Boost your self esteem?

Well I've seen in shopping malls lots of padded bras, push-up bras, maximizers and what have you, for women who are not too comfortable with their own body.

Don't know what all these craze by most men and women for big boobies is about. I find athletic women very sexy. God gave you what you have so be happy with it! Unless, of course, if its becoming more of a medical problem leading to some inadequacies in procreation. But that description should only apply to the male gender.

So, naturally, there are products for men to boost there ego a bit, you know what I mean. You gotta wear tight pants or jeans though.

But to me, this is all just a lie. 'Cos when the time comes for you to be brutally honest and totally sincere with your partner, what good will such things do? Ah... but then there are always nonsense like strap-ons, pumps, and dildos...

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